Rory Maricle
Undergraduate Student, University of Iowa
“The Benin Kingdom: Repatriation, Structural Injustice, and the Human Right to Cultural Heritage”

Michael Dillon
2023 Law Graduate, University of Iowa  
“A Comparative Look at the Definition of Refugee in the Context of the Afghan Displacement Crisis”


Rebecca Clair
Undergraduate Student, Drake University
“Access and Control: The Influence of International Law, Domestic Politics and Social Movements on Reproductive Rights”


Mariah Kauder
Law Student, Drake University
"Human Rights and State Use of Force: How Police Killings in the U.S. Skirt International Law"

Grace Wenstrom
Undergraduate, University of Iowa
"The Human Right to Health: Holding Big Pharma Accountable for Global Medicinal Access"


Alexis Winecke
Undergraduate, University of Iowa
"A Call for Human Rights in the US Prison System"


Silvia Pellegrino
Undergraduate, University of Northern Iowa 
"Enhancing Quality of Life through Financial Tools of Foreign Policy following Sen's Capabilities Approach"


Vincent Benlloch
Undergraduate, Grinnell College 
"Coercion's Two Faces: Disaggregating Tunisia's Coercive Apparatus in the Aftermath of the Arab Uprising"


Lindsay Jarrett 
Graduate, University of Iowa 
"The Lesson in the Plan: Constructed Narratives of Refugee and Citizen

Jonathan Molony
Undergraduate, University of Iowa 
"The Scars of Uganda’s Campaign against LGBT+ Rights"


Mickayla Molnar 
Undergraduate, University of Iowa 
"Slave Contracts: Human Rights and the Korean Entertainment Industry"


RaeAnn Swanson
Graduate, University of Northern Iowa, Public History
“God Will Deliver Us’: Human Rights Abuses from Guatemala to Iowa and Back, 1980-2014”

Julia Julstrom-Agoyo
Undergraduate, International Studies
“The Burge Torture Cases and the Potential for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Chicago”


Kristymarie Shipley
Graduate, College of Law
Stateless: Dominican-Born Grandchildren of Haitian Undocumented Immigrants in the Dominican Republic”

Jeffrey Ding
Undergraduate, Political Science, Chinese, Economics
“An Altruistic Approach to Human Rights Policy”