Signe Dobbs
I am a fourth-year double majoring in Criminology, Law, and Justice and Ethics and Public Policy with a specialization in Philosophy, and have completed my Certificate in Human Rights and am pursuing a minor in Philosophy. I am also a member of the University Honors Program! On campus, I am the Director of Academics and Professionalism for Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, the Director of Public Relations for Students for Human Rights at Iowa, and the Events Coordinator for the Pre-Law Association of Women. Further, I am a member of the research team for the Iowa Policy and Opinion Lab. I have worked with Scholars at Risk, Inc., advocating on behalf of an arbitrarily detained scholar in Iran in Iowa City and Washington, D.C., and will continue this advocacy as a Peer Mentor. Once I graduate, I plan on attending law school to study either international and comparative law or criminal law, and will continue to pursue human rights advocacy through my legal studies.